-在20秒内得到高度精确的结果(例如:低合金钢)-定期维护干预要求(火花架清洁)降低了8倍-与以前的型号相比,低合金钢的检测限平均提高了2倍,纯铝合金的检测限提高了5倍-仪器占地面积减少了27% - iCAL 2.0 -作为arc/spark创新的领导者,SPECTRO花了40多年的时间开发世界领先的OES仪器。现在,它完善了使用其专有的CMOS+T技术的固态探测器,革命性的高端电弧/火花OES分析。SPECTROLAB有它自己的一套。它的设计是为了提供最快的测量;最低检出限;正常运行时间最长;以及最经得起未来考验的灵活性。SPECTRO S拥有世界上第一个基于CMOS的检测系统,这是完美的高端金属分析-多亏了SPECTRO专有的CMOS+T技术。 From trace elements to multi-matrix applications, it provides extremely fast, highly accurate, exceptionally flexible analysis. When it comes to sample throughput, SPECTROLAB S meets the metal market’s need for speed. Example: when analyzing low-alloy steel, it can deliver highly accurate measurements in less than 20 seconds! By every metric, it’s made to be the best-performing spectrometer available today for primary metal producers. And it’s an equally excellent solution for secondary metal producers plus automotive and aerospace manufacturers, as well as makers of finished and semifinished goods, electronics, semiconductors, and more.