- 新的革命性双面界面(DSOI)技术实现了常规径向 - 等离子体视图仪器的敏感性的两倍 - 新的GigE读数系统,使得在不到100毫秒的频谱传输以进行更快的分析速度,更短的样本到样本每小时的时间和更多样本 - 极其敏捷,LDMOS发生器,使外部冷却不必要:分析较低稀释液的困难样品矩阵,以降低检测限额 - 更快的预热(〜10分钟),用于更高的生产率 - 新的席克ICP分析仪Pro操作软件delivers a simply intuitive ease-of-use SPECTRO’s new DSOI technology, a brand-new approach to the critical issue of plasma view design, uses a vertical plasma torch, observed via a new direct radial-view technology. Two optical interfaces capture emitted light from both sides of the plasma, using only a single extra reflection, for added sensitivity and elimination of issues plaguing newer vertical-torch dual-view models. As a result, DSOI provides twice the sensitivity of conventional radial systems — yet avoids the complexity, drawbacks, and cost of vertical dual view models. SPECTROGREEN analysis delivers significant advantages in determining trace elements and handling samples with challenging matrices, including certain wastewaters, soils, and sludges, industrial chemicals, high salt samples, and metals. The SPECTROGREEN spectrometer is ideal for routine analyses in environmental and agronomy applications, as well as consumer product safety; pharmaceuticals; petrochemicals; chemicals; and foods.