CLI - 中间打样机适合让为预先确定的期间面团其余球形件根据生产。易于使用。控制板放置在机器的前部。如果要求,可以提供自动加热和加湿系统。总共有32个袖口支架(每个8个口袋),总共256个口袋(有用的219)。中间打样机可以与请求休息时间和每小时件的速度,根据可与多个口袋。该箴言建在两个不同的版本中:一个有口袋和一个静态的一个。可选:可能增加口袋数量的可能性。CLI / 2个中间样品,2排,384个口袋(廉价342),其重量范围为100至1.100 GR ABT。与最大的自动分频器同步的工作速度。 hourly output of 2500 pieces. Resting time of about 8’. Low central pieces entry. The pieces exit by a frontal conveyor with left top discharge. Painted profile steel structure. Centralized drives. Automatic dough loading. Humid air extracting fan. UV lamp. Possibility to measure, display, and check the internal temperature and humidity. Timer for manual working cycle. Selector for continuous automatic working cycle. CLI/4 INTERMEDIATE PROOFER fitted up with 128 pockets (utilisable 107) for weight range from 100 to 1100 gr abt. Working speed synchronized with the automatic divider for a max hourly output of 1300 pieces. Resting time of about 5‘. Piece inlet frontally from the bottom right hand side. Piece outlet frontally from the top left hand side. Adjustable resting time according to one’s needs for manual working cycle.