在特殊执行中,AFW-40DB自动称重机可以配备湿式喘振料斗。这台机器是由滑链输送系统执行的。这个地堡的容量是200到250公斤土豆。电气面板包含可变的照明重量参数,操作功能在触摸屏上显示。此外,通过功能键还可以进行以下调整:>在设定一定数量权重后自动去皮;>创建自己的食谱。被称量的产品由模块化的给料带提升到称量料斗。当输入预先设定的重量时,提升带以预先设定的速度将产品送入称量料斗,将其填充到操作员设定的预先设定的重量。当预先设定的重量在(±5%可调)范围内时,皮带速度自动减慢到上速,将非常准确的重量送入抱料斗,大大减少放弃。当达到所要求的设定重量时,称量料斗的内容物可以通过手动激活相邻的拨动开关排出。 After discharging the weighing hopper is filled again and the cycle is repeated. The maximum content of the weighing hopper is 25 litres (6,6 galons) (approx. 15 kg (33 lbs) of potatoes). The weighing machine is equipped with a removable filling chute and a support platform which can be adjusted in height. Product specification manually and automatically operation ease of access for maintenance simple operation through touchscreen very robust hygienic design (easy to clean and disinfect) .