ARCTUNE是一种紧凑,易用,强大且有效的可调光源。ARCTUNE在光谱范围内提供毫瓦可调的频谱输出,从250到2500nm,选择带宽。•光功率 - 数十个毫瓦;•光谱分辨率高达0,1 nm;•无臭氧弧氙灯PowerArc™;•有效的椭圆形反射器;•自动单色仪M150i(或M266i);•用于所选光谱范围和分辨率的功率密度计算器(数字评估);•用于准直输出梁的灰色物体玻璃;•用于光纤发射的消色电子冷凝器; • Easy in operation ArcTune design is based on wide-aperture monochromator M150i or M266i by SOLAR Laser Systems and unique xenon 75W or 150W lamp PowerArc™ by HORIBA Scientific. Sealed PowerArc™ housing is air tight and not air cooled. Hence there is no ozone generation within lamp housing. 75W lamps do not require water cooling as well. Unique ellipsoidal reflector within xenon lamp PowerArc™ collects up to 70% of the radiant energy from the arc lamp, versus only 12% for typical condenser systems in vertical lamp housings. The ellipse literally wraps around the arc lamp, collecting 5 to 6 times more output power than a conventional system. Monochromator’s choice (compact M150i or multifunctional M266i) allows to optimize the required optical power and spectral resolution of the lightsource system and its degree of automation as well. Both monochromators are provided in Imaging modification with astigmatism correction.