•Windows®CE已准备就绪,轻巧,紧凑的主体•Magnet™现场车载应用软件•Red-Tech Technology Reflecther IDM•Longrange数据通信•高级角度测量系统•持久的电池•防水,崎岖,操作员友好TSSHIELD *该行业首先!保护您的投资的新功能。*某些区域可能无法提供此服务。Windows®CEWEADIVELDIVELCHEBELSCHIBEWindows®CE6.0提供舒适的操作环境。完全新的船上应用程序“磁体字段”安装为标准功能。Magnet™●精确定位Magnet™的基于云的解决方案是一种软件系列,它使用“云”在现场和办公室中无缝连接数据。实时连接。当你需要它时。你需要它的地方。 For data exchange, communications, asset tracking and more. ●MAGNET™ Field Data collection, stakeout, roads, and coordinate geometry. magnet imagemagnet imagemagnet image RED-tech Technology Reflectorless EDM Reflectorless EDM Fast distance measurement of 0.9s regardless of object. SOKKIA traditional pinpoint precision in reflectorless distance measurement. Reflectorless operation from 30cm to 500m. Coaxial EDM beam and laser-pointer provide fast and accurate aiming. Ensures accuracy even with reflective sheets. LongRange Data Communication* touch panel The FX series of total stations features Bluetooth® Class1 wireless technology for reliable data communications. All FX data is instantly available at the Bluetooth-equipped controller.