SMTmax可编程直流电源提供AR 3600系列。它是一种单输出可编程直流电源提供优良的性能。它通过前面板或计算机串口提供了方便的控制。它允许存储多达10个设置或参数,以备将来召回。它提供最小的噪音例外规定。它还有一个集成电压表/安培表。由于这些特点,电源是可靠的,完全适合设计,测试,教育和制造的需要。AR 3600系列具有背光液晶显示。它有一个数字键盘和旋转旋钮。两种模式可用-恒压和恒流。 The output ripple and noise is low. It features output on/off control and a multifunctional menu. It has maximum output voltage/power limitation and superior program resolution. Protection is provided against over temperature, over current and over power. It allows connection in series and parallel for expansion of output voltage and current.