EasyGrind软件是用于直观和快速编程的最广泛的工具。它是内部开发的,为我们所有的磨削中心配备了设备。EasyGrind软件使用grinder的语言。操作员可以在不了解ISO语言的情况下编写工具。一套问题和答案,通过在线帮助了解问题和参数,将迅速引导新手操作员自治。一个单一的屏幕集合了所有的参数。工具的3D轮廓与它的声明同时出现。还可以显示工具的2D剖视图。这为商店的砂轮提供了方便的管理。开放软件网络操作,有可能对ISO进行干预。 Liaison with different control benches. Integration of dxf files. Multiple options End-mills Drills Reamers Taps Broaches Gear hubs Knives Prismatic and rotary tools Inserts Medical tools Special tools After having programmed the tool via the EasyGrind software, the operator can either start a machining cycle or simulate in 3D all or part of the programmed machining operations. This simulation is launched from EasyGrind by a simple icon click. The eSim software then simulates the ISO program. This simulation allows: to visualize the grinding wheel, the bar and the machining of the machine in process, to visualize the finished tool, to perform measurements on the finished tool, to extract cuts from the finished tool, to visualize and edit the range of realization of the tool, to avoid possible collisions.