SINO Package在各种翻盖模具中积累了丰富的经验,从1个腔内到72个腔,如洗发水翻盖模具,润滑油翻转顶盖模具,调味品翻转顶盖模具,双安全环翻转顶盖模具等我们定制一个高质量的翻盖模具以及我们的翻盖模具优势。1.高度重视蝴蝶铰链设计,以确保它灵活而且不容易休息。2.我们采用霉变分析来模仿整个注射过程,以保证批量生产期间注入合格产品。必威体育app官方下载3.高性能热流道系统采用德国采暖零件,确保所有腔内均匀熔体流动和压力。4.每个空腔热控制,以确保温度是均匀的。5.标准可互换模具组件。6.所有零件都是通过高精度数控设备的工具,可容许0.02mm。7.模具芯和腔通过使用高硬度钢进行防腐蚀,使耐高采烈地确保高精度和长模寿命。8.每个空腔和芯具有独立的冷却系统,可以缩短生产循环时间。 9. Special water hoses design eliminates leakage and water marks on preform. 10. Cavity can be changed convenient to change company logo of the caps. 11. Mold spares can be DME, HASCO or other standards, easy for customers to find the replacing component in the market. 12. We can provide CMM inspect mold key parts, such as inserts, cavity and core. 13. In mold closing system can be designed based on customer's requirement. 14. Long mold guaranteed life with more than 5 million shots.