信和控股为客户提供塑料建设项目,从注塑机,模具,机械手,到其他辅助机械。betway必威手机版官网下载为了适应不同的塑料产品,我们还可以为您量身定制机器人系统。必威体育app官方下载我们会根据客户的具体要求进行设计,并最终解决问题,开发最优的自动化解决方案。对于塑料机器人系统,我们主要提供以下类型的定制服务:1。我们有侧入机器人和顶入机器人,可以完成整理标签,可以完成分拣标签,取标签,贴标,取产品,堆叠产品等立柱运动。这类机械手广泛应用于包装盒、漆桶、周转箱等膜贴标。我们可以为不同的产品设计机器人和薄膜系统的整体运动。必威体育app官方下载可实现多腔生产。2.我们有最新的机械手和侧面拾取机器人,可以完成产品,如拾取产品,放置产品等。必威体育app官方下载 We can tailor the fixture according to the customer’s products and we have succeeded in industrial trash, pallets, tables, chairs, bumper, Disk and other products of various shapes custom robot. 3. Other functional robots Such as custom robots, they’re use for shearing gates, placing inserts, installing screws, spraying and so on. Combined with our injection molding machine and molding company, we can provide a perfect solution, as long as you will be asked to tell us, we can design your robot according to product requirements.