已经开发了Sika工艺校准器,以使您的校准和维护任务更加容易,更灵活。不同的测试序列可以在不更改仪器的情况下完成。这节省了时间。当仅需要一种信号时,单功能工艺校准器是理想的帮助。主要的应用领域是•服务,维护和维修•质量保证•在测试实验室和研究中•在测量和控制技术中•在工艺行业中•在能源供应中•在机器和设备建设中以及许多其他区域。背光多功能显示用于清晰且明确显示输入值和输出值以及所做的所有设置。除了通过橡胶键进行广泛的键盘引导操作外,还可以通过功能键,导航交叉和数字键盘进行方便的菜单引导操作。这还允许非常容易地描述和激活更广泛的功能。如果需要定期检索,则执行自动程序运行。 The signal type, duration and value are defined here. A possibly desired start delay, the number of repetitions as well as a continuous, linear ascending or descending course are individually specified. Signal values that are always required are stored in the simulator in a fixed or flexible manner and can be quickly called up at the push of a button. If a discontinuous course with changing signal values is to be generated, then the synthesizer function can help. Here, previously programmed, changing signal heights are output at the simulator output.