电压调节器可降低长电缆和扩展网格的能量损失。它们用于将可再生能源集成到网格中。电压调节器主要用于符合IEEE标准的网格中。•电网扩展的成本替代方案•轻松集成到现有的网格结构中•易于安装•广泛的调节范围•最佳操作的灵活调节型号Siemens于1932年发明了电压调节器,这意味着它们的电压水平可靠性是原始问题。电压调节器是一种高度可靠的解决方案,用于稳定客户网格中的电压波动。对于客户来说,它们对于客户来说是一个显着更具成本效益的。电压调节器并进入1相或3相模型。提供不同的冷却系统。它们可以应用于任何电气系统以提高电压质量。 The standard voltage regulator provides approximately 10% adjustment. However, in some designs, regulations of 15% and 20% are also available. Available at 50 or 60 Hz, their ratings are calculated according to the voltage level of the transformer they are connected to (i.e., 10%). Voltage level ratings for 1-phase voltage regulators vary between 2.5kV and 19.9 kV and between 31.8kVA and 889kVA. 3-phase units are available at 13.2kV, 34.5kV, or from 500kVA up to 4,000kVA.