范围包括机电继电器的辅助和跳闸功能。的各种组合线圈、联系人、旗帜可以指定操作指标。选项也可用于操作和复位模式。7 pg11 AR继电器-通用辅助功能重复、标志、FR继电器方案逻辑。AR型继电器特性一系列机电继电器高达8接触和符合IEC 61850。他们可以提供大多数接触的组合,国旗和重新安排。继电器是由一系列数字和字母标识定义重要继电器特性。以下评论作为指南提供AR型继电器的各种特性。功能继电器是由一系列数字和字母标识定义重要继电器特性。•AR - 1到8自复位联系人,在常开或常闭的任意组合。 •AR - 2 Up to 8 self reset contacts, in any combination of normally open or normally closed as required. •AR - 3 Electrical and hand set contacts supplied with a contact reset mechanism in the relay case cover. •AR - 4 Hand and self reset contacts, can be supplied with 2 hand reset contacts and a maximum of 4 self reset contacts. All the contacts may be either normally open or normally closed. •AR - 6 Electrical reset contacts with optional self-reset flag. •AR – 3 & 6 Reset coils are short time rated, we recommend that reset circuits include a normally open (cut-off) contact.