描述:半潜式油底壳泵适用于浸入液体中输送磨料、粗颗粒、脏水和颗粒污染水。由于泵总成的设计,不需要轴封,泵可以在大多数泵的使用寿命较低和其密封安排不有效的情况下运行。规格:排放尺寸(mm): 65容量(m³/h): 18-114扬程(m): 5-31.5转速(r/min): 750-1500最大。效率η%: 60允许最大。功率(Kw): 30标准浸没深度(mm): 900,1200,1500优点:-没有浸没轴承故障坚固的悬臂轴避免了需要较低的浸没轴承-这往往是轴承过早失效的来源。•安装板上方的重型滚柱轴承。•没有水下轴承。•迷宫/垫圈轴承保护。刚性,大直径轴。垂直悬臂式设计不需要轴密封。 -No priming required The top and bottom inlet design is ideally suited for “snore” conditions. -Less risk of blocking The screened inlets and large impeller passages reduce the risk of blockages. -Zero ancillary water costs The vertical cantilever design with no gland or submerged bearings avoids the need for expensive gland or bearing flushing water. Applications: Transfer slurry with high erosion and in high density in industrial sectors as of metallurgy, mining, coal, power generation,chemical plant and building materials.