金属材质气流:>50cc/min@7kpa IP67,IP68,IP69K抗紫外线UL94V0防真菌,1防盐蛙RoHS M6*1.0-10螺纹长度超薄头高4.8mm >20cc/min@7kpa IP67,IP68金属材质Milvent保护通风口使光学和电子产品更干燥!Milvent保护通风口远远超过防水通风口保持小外壳非常干燥;光学和电子设备保持干燥,因为阀门通常对水和水蒸气都是关闭的,这使得它可以与干燥剂一起使用。相比之下,防水的通风口总是对水蒸气敞开。机箱和容器为易损坏设备。易受密封失效、凝结和污染的影响。易发生泄漏和结构破坏。外壳或容器发生故障的可能性有多大?它所需要的只是改变密封的内部压力。甚至温度或海拔的变化都可能导致压力变化,或者这可能是因为容器内的内容物排出气体或清除氧气。 In the case of mobile devices, enclosures could fail if they’re inadequately protected against liquids, dust and other environmental factors. Whatever the cause, the result could damage a product’s performance and integrity, or even lead to an expensive product failure or significant clean-up. Milvent Vents keep the worst from happening. They allow enclosures and containers to breathe, equalizing pressure and reducing condensation while filtering out liquids and other contaminants. The result: greater product performance, increased durability, higher reliability and peace of mind.