J&D饮用水设备有限公司是一家专业生产48腔PET预制件注塑吹塑系统的高科技企业。我们的团队由具有硕士学位和3D专业的高级工程师组成,我们经常邀请技术委员会成员和模具行业的资深教授作为我公司的技术顾问。我们的塑料瓶模具生产线拥有进口加工设备和检测仪器,以及专用的拉拔软件,用于设计预制件、样品和制造检测模具。我们为客户提供专业的技术培训和售后服务。塑料瓶模具特点不切割闸板,降低人工成本。2.先进的热流道系统,AA值更低。3.设计冷水通道,提高冷却效果,缩短循环时间。 Material of Plastic Bottle Mould 1. The main components of plastic bottle moulds are made of S136 material (Sweden ASSAB). 2. The mould base is made of imported P20. Plate method avoids corrosion and assures long life service of the plastic bottle moulds. 3. German vacuum stove is imported for heat treatments which assures the hardness of components HRC45-HRC48. Inspection Method for Plastic Bottle Mould 1. Inspection tools include projector, hardness tester, stress tester, eccentric tester, electric balance and other inspection tools. 2. The screw neck is made and inspected strictly under Coca Cola standards. After-Sales Service Our professional team will perform after-sales service to assure stable operation of the plastic bottle mould machines.