我们的PTFE滑动轴承是定制设计和制造,以适应每个具体的项目。聚四氟乙烯轴承特别适用于低摩擦和干运行是至关重要的应用。聚四氟乙烯轴承还有一个额外的好处,即具有较宽的操作温度范围(-260⁰C到+260⁰C)。聚四氟乙烯轴承也通常用于广泛的润滑应用,由于其优异的耐化学性,通常优先于其他类型的塑料材料。聚四氟乙烯轴承显示非常低水平的动态摩擦和几乎零粘滑特性。总的来说,PTFE轴承的机械性能很好。良好的尺寸稳定性和极低的吸水率使这种材料具有吸引人的承重性能。与其他滑动轴承系统相比,PTFE轴承只有相对较低的承载能力。最大压缩载荷通常限制在10 n/mm²,而线速度可以达到5m/s。聚四氟乙烯轴承制造与各种填料和填料的组合添加到基础材料。 PTFE bearings can be injection moulded, skived into strip or machined to give the product its final form. This gives FTL Technology the ability to offer solutions which are tailored to the application parameters and manufacturing volumes in question. Features & Advantages: High strength Low water absorption High dimensional stability High solvent resistance Virtually zero stick/slip Increased load carrying capacity Increased safety factors Longer life Smaller and lighter bearings Reduced power losses Superior friction and wear characteristics