凝汽器是电厂的主要辅助设备之一。凝汽器的主要作用是在汽轮机排气处建立一个较低的背压,使蒸汽能够最大限度地提高汽轮机的效率。由于凝汽器是电厂蒸汽循环系统中主要的冷端设备,其性能直接影响到整个机组的效率。产品领域包括化石燃料发电厂、联合循环发电厂、核电站等。必威体育app官方下载产品用于阳江1000MW、防城港1000MW、巴基斯坦卡拉奇1000MW、秦山期Ⅱ600MW、秦山期Ⅰ300MW、巴基斯坦恰希玛300MW核电站;台州Ⅱ期1000MW二次再热燃煤电厂;坪山1350MW、杨西1200MW、印度尼西亚芝拉卡1000MW、王亭660MW、印度希萨尔600MW、印度罗莎300MW化石燃料发电厂;石洞口电厂(F级)、天津IGCC (E级)电厂;其他给水泵汽轮机冷凝器、峰冷冷凝器。1. Have the arrangement of heat exchange tube bundle with independent intellectual property, and its heat exchange performance is better than the HEI standard. 2. Products can meet the requirements of back pressure from the cold weather condition unit to the warm weather condition unit, from direct water cooling unit to indirect air cooling tower unit. 3. Single-shell type, two-shell type and three-shell type condensers can match the whole series of steam turbine low-pressure cylinders. 4. Vibration analysis, strength calculation and other professional design to ensure the safety of the system. 5. Customizable condenser design improve the economy of the system.