nhng - 3010型NH3-N自动在线分析仪开发具有完全独立知识产权的氨(NH3 - N)我nstrument自动监测,是只workfs仪器使用先进的流动注射分析技术实现氨在线分析,它可以自动monitorin g的NH3-N水长期无人值守。可测量极低和极高浓度氨氮,适用于实验室或现场河流湖泊水、自来水、废水、污水及各种溶液中高浓度氨氮含量的快速在线分析。特点1。-最先进的流动注射分析技术和最安全方便的分析方法。2.-独特的自动富集功能,使仪器具有3大测量范围。-试剂无毒,只需稀释NaOH,含pH指示蒸馏水,配制方便。每个样品的分析成本只有0.1美分。4.-独特的气液分离器(专利)使样品抛弃了以往繁琐昂贵的处理装置,不需要清洗设备,是各种同类产品中最简单的仪器。必威体育app官方下载 5. - Operating costs and maintenance costs are extremely low. 6. - Of ammonia nitrogen concentration is greater than 0.2 mg/L samples, can use ordinary distilled water as the solvent of reagent, easy to use. The working principle of the novel instrument Peristaltic pump delivery release liquid (loose) NaOH solution for current carrying liquid, turn set according to the number of sample injection valve