广泛应用于电厂、食品、化工等污染环境的管道清洗。适用于酸浓度的测量和电导率的测量,浓度小于10%的sait溶液。特点1。-在恶劣的化学环境下性能优异,采用耐化学物质制造的电极不受极化干扰,避免污垢、污垢甚至影响污垢层覆盖等现象非常差,因此安装简单方便,应用非常广泛。设计用于高浓度酸(如发烟硫酸)环境的电极。2.-采用英制酸浓度计,精度高,稳定性高。3.-电导传感器技术消除堵塞和极化误差。适用于接触电极的各个部位,可能造成堵塞,具有良好的性能。 4. - Large aperture sensor, long-term stability. 5. - Accommodate a wide range of brackets and use common bulkhead mounting structure, flexible installation. Technical Indexes 1. - Maximum pressure (bar): 1.6MP 2. - Electrode body materials: PP, ABS, PTFE optional 3. - Measuring range: 0 ~ 10ms, 0 ~ 20ms, 0 ~ 200ms, 0 ~ 2000ms 4. - Accuracy (cell constant):. ± (+25 us to measure the value of 0.5%) 5. - Installation: flow-through, pipeline, immersion 6. - Pipe installations: pipe threads 1 Ys or Y* NPT 7. - Output signal: 4-20mA