800W便携式USB CNC 3040 300 * 400mm迷你木材,PVC,丙烯酸,橄榄核4轴数控插入不锈钢水箱:1。金属和玉材料的加工需要配备不锈钢水槽,可以冷却工具有效地延长了道具的使用寿命。加工效果很好。2.金属和玉器的加工只能通过平面加工完成,并且不能做360度旋转三维处必威体育app官方下载理,因为四轴套件的夹紧力是不够的,并且三维处理必威体育app官方下载产品是软材料,硬木,橄榄核,替代木材,塑料等材料。1.家用电机配有磁编码器,共有三个编码器,每个编码器都可以手动设置任何限制位置,编码器可以实时记录电机运动位置,不再害怕灰尘,污水干扰限制,可靠性高,更准确,稳定。2.等电机配有铝合金散热器。电机以更快的速度运行。XY轴速度为4000mm / min。Z轴速度为3500mm / min。 Suitable for small batch processing and production in the factory, more powerful. 3.The handwheel communicates with MACH 3 synchronously. The handwheel operation can be synchronized with the MACH 3 coordinate value in real time. The operation is more smooth and smooth. 4.Independent R&D control system, integrated control box, driver card, and circuit board are all independent research and development, software upgrade optimization, expansion of functions, powerful functions, and increasingly stable electronic control systems.