性能特点:耐腐蚀性强:管材为防腐PE材料,不会受到污水、废水中的酸碱和油类的腐蚀。2.抗外力冲击强:产品为柔性管。在受到外力冲击时,回收性能优越,在低沉降条件下不易断裂。3.耐老化性强:管材基材在20℃下可有效使用50年以上,具有较强的抗老化性能。4.优良的耐寒性:在-60°C的环境中,管道不会变脆和泄漏。5. Light weight: the pipe weight is only 1/8 of that of the concrete pipe with the same specification, and 2/3 of that of the traditional winding structure wall pipe. It is convenient for transportation and construction. 6. Convenient connection: the products can be connected by various methods, including electric hot-melt connection, heat shrinkable tape connection, extrusion connection, etc. The connection is firm and reliable, and the construction can be carried out on the construction site simply and rapidly. 7. Simple construction and low cost: the pipeline is light in weight, convenient in connection, and has low requirements for excavation engineering, especially in the construction of urban drainage projects, a lot of engineering time and engineering costs can be saved. 8. Strong ability to transport media: smooth inner wall of pipe and low friction coefficient ensure the media conveying capacity and ensure the wear resistance.