HLMX多路阀液压阀功能系统采用并联油路,每个执行机构可以单独或同时工作。工作时,各回路的止回阀可防止油回流。在中间位置,二次溢流阀可防止气穴,保持负载。铲斗臂环可采用单独供油或组合供油。单独供油时,可精确控制斗臂运动。当采用组合方式供油时,斗臂油缸可迅速回收,防止产生气穴。特殊功能:直线行走,优先旋转,斗收敛,斗臂锁紧,斗臂再生,斗臂动作快速。备用阀可用于加装抓斗、破碎锤等。应用的HLMX15R多路控制阀主要用于20 ~重液压挖掘机控制挖掘机繁荣,桶的手臂,水桶,旅行和旋转,提高挖掘机的繁荣,范围和合同斗臂,加载和卸载,旋转上部和驱动挖掘机的下部。多路换向阀采用四通(右)换向阀和五通(左)换向阀组合结构; the boom and the bucket arm cylinder are controlled with two reversing valves respectively, which can realize various operation speed. Main pump 1 (front pump) supplies pressure oil to the left traveling and rotating mechanisms, boom 2, and bucket arm 1; main pump 2 (rear pump) supplies pressure oil to the right traveling mechanism, the backup equipment, boom 1, the bucket and bucket arm 2.