主要执行用于航空工业,因此适用于钛或不锈钢,以及对主轻合金的部件。基板主要执行用于航空工业,因此适用于钛(处理或未处理的),或不锈钢,以及在具有以下治疗经历一个初级轻合金部分:铬阳极氧化(BF5),不密封艳色阳极氧化(BF5), sealed Alodine 1200 Pickling Paints used PU 66 d(PPG) AERODUR SGL (AKZO) S15/90 (AKZO) Hydrodiluable (MAPAERO, etc.) Bonding primers On unsealed chromic anodic oxidation On pickled parts At the customer’s request according to the same procedure as paint The most commonly used are: Redux 112, 113, 119 and 122, BR 127 and 227 (Airbus), and METLBOND 6726 (helicopters) Results Paint thicknesses are precise. The work of painters is organized with self-inspection; the finished parts being of course subject to the approval of the inspection department.