在塑料生产中,金属分离器确保金属被可靠地检测出来,并从生产过程中分离出来。在这样做的过程中,他们为保护机器和工具、增加工厂可用性、确保完美的产品质量和减少次品做出了决定性的贡献。但是新的RAPID PRO-SENSE 6可以做更多的事情。它是专门为需要的树脂和复合材料制造商。新的快速PRO-SENSE 6提供:*质量保证的快速PRO-SENSE 6检测和分离最小的金属部件。这使您能够实现一贯高的产品质量,并避免由于金属夹杂引起的投诉。集成的日志功能也保证了批次的可追溯性。快速PRO-SENSE 6清洗方便,快速,无需工具。即使是在复杂的安装环境中。这允许你快速改变颜色和材料。 Optionally, the RAPID PRO-SENSE 6 also offers integrated washing nozzles for automatic cleaning. * Economic efficiency Short cleaning times increase the up-time, reduce personnel costs, increase line availability and make your plant more economical. With the optional washing nozzles, you also reduce manual effort. A special, wear-resistant design prevents damage to parts in contact with the product, thus saving costs for spare parts.