优点一目了然•无油,安全压缩•稳健设计••节能驱动装置•紧凑的足迹•高可用性容易维修领域的应用程序•氢燃料补给站•Power-to-Gas••安全气囊技术气体增压泵•热均衡按•压力测试技术压缩机组由两个同轴排列垂直的气体气缸,每一个都与液压缸机械连接并由液压缸驱动。气瓶和驱动瓶之间有一个空间,可以安全地防止液压流体污染介质。两个驱动油缸通过连接线液压耦合在一起。气瓶采用外部冷却夹套进行液体冷却。这消除了摩擦热,显著延长了密封和导向系统的使用寿命。液压缸由液压动力单元驱动。带有调节泵的系统允许对活塞冲程数的变化进行无限变量控制。行程方向的变化由无触点接近开关控制。 A particularly advantageous feature is the use of a pivotable axial piston pump which allows the drive cylinder stroke direction to be changed directly by the pump itself. This creates a highly energy-efficient electrohydrostatic drive system. Due to the absence of directional control valves, which are subject to loss, the drive cylinders are pressurised directly by the hydraulic pump oil flow. This creates a robust drive system with integrated overload protection.