Z204-1 AC/DC voltage to DC current/voltage converter with ModBUS interface Z204-1 accepts an alternate or direct voltage (up to 1.200 Vdc and 850 Vac) TRMS and provides an isolated analog output (mA or V). It disposes also of dip switches for quick configuration. It’s available also a RS485 Modbus RTU interface. A 3-way galvanic isolation (up to 4 KV) among input and power supply/output ports assures the integrity of your datas. Z204-1 is equipped with a front connector for programming and functional LED showing power / faults and data transmission.. TECHNICAL DATA ORDER CODE :Z204-1 DESCRIPTION:AC/DC voltage to DC current/voltage converter with ModBUS interface VOLTAGE INPUT:Up to 1000 VAC/DC ANALOG OUTPUT:mA/V MODBUS INTERFACE:RS485 back connector, RS232 front connector ACCURACY:INPUT CL 0.5, OUTPUT CL.0.1 TRMS INSULATION:4.000 VAC POWER SUPPLY:10-40Vdc / 19-28Vac OPERATING TEMPERATURE:-20..65 ºC SHIPPING AND EXPORT INFORMATION PRODUCT CODEZ204-1 GROSS WEIGHT kg0,16 ORIGINIT TARIC85437090 ECCNEAR99