MRP29HY由微欧姆表和液压机组成,工程原理基于“德意辰VerbandesFürSchweisstechnike.v.”金属板质量评价的数据表。对于可靠性从表面质量取决于可靠性的每个应用,这是重要的。首要任务是焊接金属板(例如蚀刻和刷涂)在汽车和飞机工业中,还有表面处理,例如漆和拼接。您可以测量单钣金或重叠钣金上的接触电阻。铝或相应合金。但也可以测量其他材料。可以为另一种金属或测量程序(例如,测量过程中的所有重要参数设置。特别是铝具有在环境空气中与氧气反应的性质,这些物质导致氧化物膜。氧化物对焊接连接的规律性和可重复性或涂层的均匀性具有高效果。但石油和其他污染效果相同。 The measuring method measures the contact /surface resistance of the sheet metal under high pressure (typ. 7.5 kN) with a standardized convex electrode and a measurement current of 10 A. The test sequence depends on the selected DVS 2929-method with different waiting times under high force and result averaging with the required numer of measurements. The initial resistance of the system is determined before and after each test series. This leads to very accurate results and a good detection of the quality of sheet surfaces represented by the contact resistance.