Schlegel电子材料一直走在织物泡沫技术的前沿。今天,织物泡沫仍然是我们产品线的核心。我们提供各种面料包括:1:NiCu-C22:镀镍铜聚酯防撕扯织物Schlegel保护涂层。3: NiCu-C70:镀镍铜聚酯防撕扯织物Schlegel保护涂层。4: NiCu-C12:镀镍铜聚酯平纹织物,表面施莱格尔保护涂层。7: SnCu-C50:镀锡铜尼龙平纹织物,表面施莱格尔保护涂层。9: Ag-C2:镀银尼龙防撕扯织物,表面有Schlegel保护涂层。Schlegel电子材料(SEM)有一个塑料夹选项,使附加EMI屏蔽垫圈卡扣安装。完美的应用(高剪切作用的例子),压敏粘合剂不被认为是合适的。可在d形和c型型材,这些多功能夹固定高度导电织物和弹性泡沫垫圈的法兰。 An inherently more sturdy product because they are manufactured as one unit, these gaskets are cost-effective replacements for metal clips or fingerstock where high shear forces are a factor. They are easy for operators to apply, ideally suited for sliding applications and have durable retention properties, along with superb EMI shielding capabilities. SEM Clipper Series gaskets are currently available in several sizes of our D-shape and low closing force C-fold profiles.