重型称重技术直接且不妥协。直接称重装置在传感器和支撑结构之间具有紧密的连接。直销技术 - 准确的称重结果几乎没有努力。直销技术 - 智能Schenck工艺解决方案。只需将传感器拧到施工,并且您的工业规模坚固耐用。多功能,几乎免维护,即使在恶劣环境中也具有高度准确的结果。由于没有安装元件,设计,安装和操作非常简单且经济高效。灵活的解决方案对于许多和各种应用的应用高度精确的衡量,在任何环境方面都有方便的安装,绝对无需维护,通过减少结构钢成本额定载荷:11,5 T - 800 T准确性分类:组合误差为0.1%至0,03%(OIMLC2类,合法贸易)称重束标准,特别是在钢结构中的韧性。可从11,5吨到800 T容量。 Reaches an accuracy of up to 0,1% combined error. There is also a high temperature version available up to 180°C. A a round version is also available. Weigh Disc The flat, more accurate and even better protected alternative to the weighbeam. Reaches an accuracy of 0,07% combined error, is suitable in special version up to 200°C and has a very low height profile. Railtec Sensors Created for very accurate measuring results (up to C2 legal for trade) in the harsh environment of a rail track and industry costumer with track system. Weigh Disc WDI and Weighbeam DMR are used in our MULTIRAIL products.