Scaffshore系统允许制造的易于,快速,灵活,安全地装配支撑塔。无需管道和配件,通过对角线分类槽支撑实现系统的稳定性。高效 - 多个PRPPING头使其可以使用钢,铝或木材装饰件 - 螺旋千斤顶头和基座允许高度调节的80cm延伸范围 - 梁支架允许在板坯区域内的任何高度下拆卸支架-The web formation of the standards and ledgers are ‘locked’ together with ring lock - Extreme stability against lateral forces thanks to the diagonal ledgers - Safely sustains loads at slab-edges by means of cantilever frames Faster - Minimized component and integral connections ensure fast erection - Unique designed drop forged ledger ends that easily latches on standard ring with a snap of a hammer Skewed Grids The SCAFFSHORE ring accurately aligns 45° to 90° connection between shoring standards. Up to 8 connections can be made all around the ring for enhance capacity of shoring, diagonal bracing or even cross bracing. High Load Capacity For heavy load-bearing solution, the SCAFFSHORE 60 handles 75KN fresh concrete load using only 2 ledger level support. The capacity increases with the addition of more ledger supports Braces With a simple hammer strike on the captive wedge of the drop forged ledger end, the ledgers and diagonal braces safely latches on the standard ring. Integrating Load-Bearing Solution Thanks to Radial Ledgers, load-bearing are made possible for any slab thickness at any height. With the Radial Ledgers, more strength is added to the standards and the loads are transferred safely