SPM-200精度光学磨机机覆盖了宽的工件,范围为5–200Ø毫米。独特的双主轴技术和轴设计可以使球体,隔离和自由形式的表面进行较高的速度和一致的处理。对于广泛的高级视觉表面,SPM-200是一台高度灵活的机器,可以高效且具有成本效益的高级视觉表面生产。有效而灵活的扩展Y轴和模块化纺锤体概念可以实现更广泛的工件几何处理。获得专利的360°工具旋转头,最多两个双重工具主轴和其他水平主轴节省设置时间,并允许多个过程而无需重新装修。光盘和杯轮模式磨削可实现具有成本效益的生产。Reliable and precise Direct driven and water-cooled spindles and axis for utmost precision Optional air bearing workpiece spindle allows for an excellent surface finish 3D process simulation for high process safety The machine’s Integrated Quality control System (IQS) automatically adjusts for tool wear, compensating for any inaccuracies The On Machine Metrology system (OMM) verifies the quality of aspheres and allows for instant correcting The unique and proven polymer concrete base and vibration-dampening machine feet provide high levels of stability Easy to use Satisloh’s guided software interface BaSyS allows for easy and convenientmanufacturing set-up Easy-accessible machine design allows for convenient operating, plus fast and easy maintenance