点亮袋子,无需打开:在30分钟内准备就绪。烧烤木炭的蔬菜椭圆形。只有一场比赛,只需几分钟,您就有两个小时的优质煤来烧烤,甚至没有弄脏手!无需液体或其他点火材料。四人的单剂包装,非常适合较小的烤架和露营。易于运输;一点也不麻烦。非常适合空闲时间,也是那些对烧烤和火焰几乎没有熟悉的人。总时间:30分钟。使用的说明:1。将袋子放在大麻的情况下,而无需打开。 - 2. With a match, light the four corners of the bag. - 3. A lively flame will be produced for 10-15 minutes. After the flame disappears, wait another fifteen minutes until the charcoal is covered by a very light veil of gray ash. – 4. An excellent set of coals will be at your disposal which will last for around two hours, enough to prepare a barbecue for four people.