Toro™TH663i卡车是专为地下环境设计的,在一辆强大的自卸卡车中结合了智能、高效和可持续性。山特维克TH663i是一种高生产率的地下卡车,也是我们最新的地下运输机器之一。更安全。更强。更聪明。Toro™TH663i提供更高的生产力和效率。这款强大的卡车具有63吨的承载能力和较低的整体设备重量,高斜坡速度。它现在有一个可选的阶段V发动机沃尔沃Penta。这款16升585千瓦的发动机通过选择性催化还原系统(SCR)代替柴油颗粒过滤器来减少排放。SCR使用柴油尾气液来减少氮氧化物的排放,而不牺牲卡车的性能或燃油效率。 This Stage V engine requires ultra-low sulphur fuel and low-ash engine oil to operate. It also can use renewable paraffinic diesel fuels that meet the EN 15940 standard, significantly reducing the exhaust emissions from the diesel engine. The Stage V engine can also use a mix of diesel and paraffinic fuels without any issues. Operator Speed Assist is now a standard feature for Toro™ TH663i. Part of Sandvik Intelligent Control System, it automatically limits the top speed of a vehicle during level and downhill driving. It has four levels of speed control: a preset maximum gear, throttle control, engine brake and retarder control. If one done not activate, step by step the next activates. Other standard features include for example a superior operator cabin, and optional features include for example multiple digital solutions, such as our OptiMine® and AutoMine®.