S3 A HPA手动空气喷雾喷枪吸入S3 A HPA是我们最紧凑的吸入枪,专为严格的区域应用以及需要触摸而设计。出色的雾化质量改善了人体工程学,轻巧紧凑的特殊杯设计:枪支本身在两个喷涂操作性能之间的任何位置均匀,高光泽度非常精细雾化♦完美平衡的风扇,易于应用程序生产力♦由于身体非常舒适♦人体工程学设计♦EZ-Access Aircap为了轻松旋转调整♦由于其在线空气阀♦其类别中最轻的手动喷枪之一和完美平衡:减少重复应变损伤(RSI)♦大量投影仪(空气cap + nozzle + needle) & stainless steel fluid passages (compatible with a large range of solvent and water-based materials) allowing it to be used for all kinds of applications Sustainability ♦Designed from high-end materials (stainless steel, anodized forged aluminum body, brass) in conjunction with SAMES KREMLIN's machined projectors (aircaps + nozzle + needle) ensure extended product life ♦Reduction in the number of components makes for easy and quick maintenance