PPH 707mt是专为静电应用与内部电荷的液体涂料而设计的喷雾器。此雾化器是彩色底漆或清漆的最佳解决方案:漆损低,变色快。雾化器内配有1个超高速流道和5个高速流道颜色的变色块。高速旋转,无论油漆流量为最好的雾化2。高电压单元提供最大的静电效应,以达到最高的传输效率。高te双成型空气,专利混合直流和涡流空气。颜色变化块嵌入式系统的最高性能的颜色变化生产力5。变色过程:5秒/漆损6cc /溶剂损40cc变色过程:15秒/ 29cc漆损/ 300cc溶剂损远程钟形监控装置,避免在没有钟形杯的情况下进行喷涂,确保停机后的喷涂过程。 Sustainability 9. High reliability of every component (valves, high voltage, air motor, fittings, bell cup) for high production rate paintshop 10. Titanium bellcup for longer life, high resistance to abrasion 11. 7 years/30,0000h warranty turbine* 12. Magnetic bellcup fastening system : the easiest system on the market 13. Easy to maintain the full atomizer thanks to the Quick disconnect 14. "Cabriolet cover" for easy access to valve in the atomizer *whichever is the sooner