从值得信赖的RS PRO品牌,选择坚固的TS-35标准DIN导轨用于安装各种电气和工业设备。TS-35铁路或大礼帽,因为它也被知道是由冷轧钢制造,然后镀锌和透明钝化。这保证了它的强度和耐腐蚀性能。可提供各种长度和开槽和不开槽(穿孔)型材,便于连接和布线。什么是DIN Rail?DIN导轨是一种金属导轨,用于安装控制柜、机箱、机架和面板上的电气、气动和液压元件。DIN钢轨的制造符合德国诺曼协会(DIN)制定的一套特定标准。由于统一的外形,它确保组件可以从几个不同的制造商和供应商采购,在知识安全的所有产品可以安装在同一轨道上。必威体育app官方下载为什么你应该使用RS PRO顶帽DIN导轨?使用RS PRO DIN导轨,使您能够安全地安装您的电子元件。 It provides a central location where wiring can be connected and maintained quickly and efficiently. • Saves space – DIN rail terminals and smaller DIN mounted components can be packed into smaller spaces. • Saves time - DIN mounted components easily slide or snap onto the rail. Relays, timers, circuit breakers and similar products can also be mounted into compatible bases for rapid connection. • Saves money – DIN rail provides a cost-effective solution as it allows for a higher density of component mounting, which reduces wiring cost and enclosure space.