一体式处理装置活性污泥装置污泥沉降消化段:出水固相部分sédiments和accumulâtes位于底部的静止区;细菌在那里生长,将污泥中的易腐烂物质转化为惰性污泥。二氧化碳和水。2.充氧区:吹入强制空气使出水移动和充氧的区域。Aérobic细菌在这种环境中生长,氧化残留的有机成分和氮。3.最终沉淀区:剩余污泥沉淀并再次重力注入氧化区的静止区。4.DIFFUSER PLATES in microbored rubber for even distribution of the air within the oxygénation section. 5.BLOWERS-COMPRESSORS with side channel to push the air toward the oxygénation section diffuser plates. SPECIFICATIONS TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Treatment of domestic raw sewage by primary sédimentation and anaérobie sludge digestion treatment in a septic tank and subséquent secondary activated sludge aérobic digestion treatment. The Rototec one-piece treatment plant is sized for average domestic discharge: a spécifie discharge flow rate of 200 l/PE x day and a pro capita organic pollution load of 60gBOD/PE x day; it is important that grease and foam be separated upstream of the activated sludge tank, as these might hâve a négative effect on the treatment performance, which in normal operating conditions reaches up to 90% (percentage removal of the organic load as BODs). The treated effluent complies with the émission limits in table 3 of Leg. Decree 152/20 06 for discharge to a surface watercourse.