新的线性灵活的FlexType R喂料系统,适用于所有机器人处理。一种线性预分拣输送机,以确保机器人能够正确地拾取大量零件。预分选机是一个槽式系统。驱动器将槽和固定在槽上的分选轨道作为一个整体进行移动。未分选的零件落入槽中,再被送回到零件循环中。分拣完成后,将各部件转移到摄像机传送带上进行检测,再由机器人拾取。没有被检测到的部件回到部件循环中,通过液位监视器和额外的料斗保持在同一水平。由于转换时间短,该系统特别适合于零件尺寸变化的应用。低噪音操作和可复制的导向元素多达20轨道是进一步突出的特点。新的线性灵活的FlexType R(“双体船”)喂料系统为所有机器人处理。 A linear pre-sorting conveyor to ensure a high volume of component parts to be picked up correctly by a robot. A ‘Catamaran’ construction. This patented catamaran design carries the sorting tracks with two linear drives attached in parallel. Parts that fall off the sorting tracks are immediately caught up by a separate return belt running in opposite direction and then brought back to the parts circulation again. The catamaran allows for very flat and wide types of construction. What is unique about this is that it can be designed as a double system which enables two different components to be processes at the same time.