ITAS - 工业楼梯和平台的系统巧妙的内部夹具系统是连接管道而无需破坏性交叉的最简单方法。可以放置栏杆上的框架,边缘和扶手,而无需进一步处理,并通过拧紧会牢固锁定。结合特殊的ITA铝轮廓,甚至可以安装复杂的工作平台。他们绝对不需要处理,只是组装。内部张力系统原理:夹紧摇杆通过拧入螺纹销来倾斜。夹紧摇杆的另一侧将压力块推向管子的内侧。没有任何机械处理,可以通过轻松固定螺钉来严格锁定管结构。内部夹具系统为构建轨道,机架构造,警卫,堆积,楼梯和任何类型的工作平台提供了技术安全的解决方案。使用的内部夹具元件和连接管之间的连接处对手平稳且友好。绝对不需要预处理! Quick change system (SWS) Working and machining areas, which have needed additional guards up to now, can now be made accessible with only a few handholds using the ITAS quick change system, if necessary. The complicate removal of rail segments is not required anymore The SWS-System combines the approved combinability of the internal clamp system with the easy assembly and disassembly of elements as an advantage over traditional rail systems. The working and machining area whose guard was laborious or had to be secured additionally, can now be included in the planning of the ITAS-system.