模拟指示器在我们的数字世界中仍然扮演着重要的角色。这些指标非常稳健,非常适合在恶劣的工业环境中使用。我们还考虑到操作方面,使用结构良好的清晰显示,高对比度和清晰的数字,使其易于阅读。表盘上可以标明诸如红线、警示区或移动方向等标识。>模拟指示清晰>各种规格工业级标准产品> Clease,必威体育app官方下载清晰显示> >坚固的设计使用寿命长>优异的性能价格比/ >定制表盘模拟指示器Foundrometers名称已经建立了超过90 yearsduring该公司已经赢得了声誉的生产仪器可以承受maintainingaccuracy和苛刻的操作条件giving long service. Today, supported by a network of overseasrepresentatives, Foundrometers trades with major concerns and governmentdepartments world-wide. In the year 2000 Foundrometers merged with Rheintacho of Germany to create one ofthe worlds largest groups specialising in rotational speed measurement and control.Ours is one of the few companies worldwide that manufacture a complete range ofspeed measurement and control instrumentation to provide a solution to any speedmeasurement application. From reverse engineering a single obsolete tachometer tothe mass manufacture of custom designed sensors