Resato空气驱动、自给自足的车间气体测试单元可以对阀门、配件、软管、管道、容器和井口设备进行加压。它还可以填充或转移气体。随着可选的双作用,二级或三级气体助推器,Resato单元可以管理大型物体的快速测试或只是测试。连接材料、管材和所有组件都内置在一个粉末涂层的车间框架中。Resato机组符合欧洲法规。交付包包括操作、维护和备件手动测试证书。仪表、变送器和记录仪也将获得校准证书。Resato装置在车间气体测试或填充装置中具有可靠的记录。它非常容易使用,维护成本和噪音水平也很低。针对气体压力测试对象,Resato开发了HBU测试系统。 The HBU is similar to the HPU. Only instead of testing with hydraulic pressure, the HBU tests objects with gas pressure. Like the HPU, the HBU has a solid workshop design that can be integrated in your production process. As a result, the HBU is benefitting the cycle times of your operation process. For even more efficiency the system can be equipped with an automatic operation system alternatively to manually operating the HBU. For an automated pressure cycle perfomance, one can install an optional process controller with touch panel. For hydraulic and gas pressurization Suitable for various test mediums Possible to integrate in your production process Panel mounted features and gauges Ergonomic and modular design