使用机械胶涂抹器MS 200.,您可以根据颗粒,枕头或43mm棒的形状加工热熔粘合剂。电子温度可保护胶水并确保最佳胶水效果。热熔胶胶水涂抹器吉伦MS 200.E - 易于加工热熔熔体而无需压缩空气。MS 200.E让您可以毫不费力地处理热熔颗粒,枕头甚至43mm。它甚至不需要空气压力,并且由于500瓦加热器即可在几分钟内完成。舒适锁定和大开口可让您轻松填充250毫升罐。由于电子温度调节,热胶保持在精确的温度并防止焦化。这使得MS 200.对于PA,聚酰胺基胶等温度敏感热熔的一个很好的工具。可调节温度范围为30至200摄氏度,这使您可以使用蜡像蜡的特别低熔点涂抹材料。MS 200.E非常适合在尘土飞扬和苛刻的工作环境中工作。 The ergonomic handle and adjustable trigger enable a continuous workflow and is well-suited for smaller hands as well as right and left-handed people alike. The integrated magnetic foot lets you pick the applicator up and put it down in the blink of an eye and is a real time saver. A wire stand makes sure the device can also be placed securely on non-magnetic surfaces. Combined with the reka nozzle portfolio the MS 200.E handles countless applications comfortably, powerful and professional.