通过红色阀门引入和获得专利,空气型型夹阀提供独特,经济高效的解决方案来控制问题。更多的红色阀门型阀门在全球范围内使用任何其他夹阀。秘密在橡胶套 - 阀门的唯一湿润部分。阀门的致动由放置在套筒上的空气或液压完成。阀体用作内置的致动器,消除了昂贵的气动,液压或电动执行器。在主体和套筒之间的环形空间内增加空气压力可以打开,节流或关闭阀门。套筒的灵活性使阀门围绕夹带的固体闭合,消除了可能损坏阀门的悬挂。密封区等于阀门长度的95%。通过红色阀门型夹阀,没有座椅或包装来替换,或腔或死斑以收集碎屑和填充阀操作。它们的耐磨性是无与伦比的。 When the valve is open, it is like a straight piece of pipe in the line. Type A Valves are used on remote locations or harsh environments since there are no external links, levers, pistons or rotating parts to cause downtime. In general, 25-35 psi over line pressure is required for full closure of Red Valve Type A Pinch Valves.