AVS-N系列适用于培养基、玻璃器皿、液体、塑料、金属器皿和实验室废弃物的灭菌。杀菌室采用AISI-316L不锈钢制造。外壳采用AISI-304不锈钢制造。设备采用数字PID微处理器控制,具有4个预定义程序和6个可编辑程序,可根据时间和温度进行调节。字母数字液晶屏幕显示灭菌参数,警报和错误。RS-232接口,连接PC机或打印机。手动加水消毒室。加热器元件的保护栅。手动蒸汽释放按钮。手动阀门排水。 Cycle time range: 1-250 minutes. Advantages Small and easy use. Programmable auto-start. Connection to PC. Control software (optional). Safety Safety valve and thermostat. Open lid blocking system. Benefit from 50 years of experience in manufacturing laboratory autoclaves for multiple applications. RAYPA offers you several autoclave options ranging from state-of-the-art autoclaves for research professionals to compact and smaller autoclaves for general facilities. Request more information about AVS-N series now or download our brochure.