uc系列是采用电化学双层电容器(EDLC)的直流ups,通常被称为超级电容器或超级电容器,安装在直流ups内部。它们可以在一定的时间内将电源故障或电压波动桥接到直流24V母线上,从而保证系统的安全关闭。可以避免昂贵的停机时间、长时间的重启周期和数据丢失。当供电电压足够时,DC-UPS的电容器会将电能储存在电容器中。在市电电压故障的情况下,这种能量被释放到直流母线在一个调节的过程。直流ups免维护,与电源具有相似的使用寿命。对于基于电池的直流- ups系统,不需要定期更换电容器。从-40°C到+60°C的宽温度范围使该装置适用于许多应用。直流ups有两种版本,安装的电容大小不同。带24V电容存储的直流ups, 15A •Built-in capacitors as energy source (EDLC electrochemical double layer capacitors) •Wide temperature range between -40°C and +60°C •Typically >10 Years operational lifetime expectancy •Regulated output voltage in buffer mode •No ventilated cabinets required (No generation of hydrogen as VRLA batteries do) •Short charging time, unit is rapidly back in ready mode •Output is decoupled from the input to separate load •Circuits into Buffered and Non-buffered Sections •Supports PC-Mode function DC OutputDC 24V 15A 360W InputDC 24V Size (WxHxD)126 x 124 x 117mm Weight1150g