Creo说明了规模创建3D技术插图,动画序列和2D图纸,速度最先进的技术插图工具用Creo说明您可以创建丰富的3D技术插图,2D图和交互式动画序列,可准确反映当前产品配置和支持硬拷贝的格式到增强现实。该软件:Empowers Illustrator在短短15分钟内开发3D内容。减少文本的数量并提高零件识别准确性。自动更新内容作为工程和设计更改。为增强现实战略设置基础。Creo说明了CAD数据重用的功能:创建从工程CAD数据派生的3D技术插图和动画。关联CAD:将插图更新为产品设计更改。测序:通过静态和动态插图说明修复,装配和其他程序。内容重用:创建一次图示,并在多个出版物中使用它。 Comprehension: Annotations allows for clearer communication through the use of call-outs, symbols, and other references to augment your 3D content. Parts Lists: Generate full parts lists for all of your products, and use those lists to define a product structure. Product Structure: Organize part-related content based on how those components fit within the product’s bill of materials. Reduce Translation Costs: By replacing text with illustrated step-by-step procedures, 3D animations, illustrated parts lists and other graphical representations.