杜尔科flex控制仪表气体,粘性,磨料或剪切敏感的介质,并设置计量的新标准。线性和可重复计量是保证与蠕动泵在所有过程条件下。由于它的油漆设计,很容易更换管,防止损失宝贵的生产停机时间。新的杜尔科伸缩控制仪表可靠,操作简单。它通过智能蠕动计量泵提高了突出的产品范围。卓越利用其在计量泵领域数十年的经验,将两个世界的最好的东西结合在一起。无阀计量具有隔膜计量泵的准确性,充分利用了蠕动泵的特性。这种计量泵的应用包括强烈气体,高粘度,研磨性,剪切敏感或化学腐蚀性流体。所使用的高性能软管保证了优异的耐化学性和长期使用寿命。直观的用户界面与点击轮,确保蠕动泵的简单操作。 A brushless direct current motor forms the heart of the DULCO flex Control. Its ingenious control provides for precise metering and reduced pump capacity with continuous metering up to 10 ml/h. Moreover, the new peristaltic metering pump is IoT-enabled, meaning that it is fully networkable and can be connected to the DULCOnneX platform especially developed by ProMinent, which enables it to work even smarter.