所述ProfiHub F1用于PROFIBUS-现场总线网络信号从铜转换为光纤。应该安装在DIN导轨上。该装置可以为环形模块或以线或点对点结构工作。如果一个信道上接收到消息,则电子处理,放大,并切换到剩余的信道。该系统包含具有DB9连接一个信道,并在1310纳米波长两个通道光纤环ST多模。符合严格的安全标准ProfiHub F1是坚固,电磁干扰。发射机和接收机的以及范围最多两个光纤系统之间5公里电势隔离与多模光纤传输的重要的性能特性。该系统特别适用于具有严格的安全要求,在过程工业实例应用中,隧道通风系统和铁路技术的应用。跟PROCENTEC ComBricks网络诊断,该ProfiHub F1能够用于网络诊断的唯一FiberView功能。这适用于交通信号灯相似。 If the traffic light on the device is green, everything is fine. Seeing a yellow light means the budget is still tolerable, but already below a certain system reserve. A red light means there is a serious error. The benefit of this feature is that you will get an early warning when the fiber isn’t optimal. Your benefits High transmission capacity. Long distances. Small dimensions. Very little loss of signal. No electromagnetic interference. High stability of the system.