型材折弯机MC400 NARGESA,采用焊接和机械化钢板制成。和其他的不同的是,它不是铸铁做的。理想的法兰,温室,栏杆,桌子,椅子,门,窗户…制作各种型材的大量圆形。它的坚固性、轴径、减速机容量等特点,使其成为市场上最好的弯管机之一,在三牵引辊类中,这是与管道一起工作并获得完美光面的必要条件。技术特点:采用三种牵引辊,是弯管的理想选择,表面光滑,不会损坏管材和型材。安全传输处理和平小齿轮。轴经钢材处理和矫正。轴径:40毫米。轴有效长度:80毫米。 Max. bending capacity in round pipes: 2-1/2 inch or 63.5 mm. Bending regulation apart from the lower rollers which permits to make bending operations in smaller diameters and to give better use to the material than in other bending machines. It's equipped with 9 standard rollers by means of which you can make all kinds of profiles. (Square pipe, rectangular, solid square bar, round and rectangular, U profile, T profile, angle, flat bar, edge flat bar... Diameter of rollers: 130 mm. Millimeter scales to know the rollers position. Vertical or Horizontal working position. (According to the working table). Side corrector rollers to rule the bending operation. Engine power: 1,1 KW / 1.5HP. 3-phased tension: 230/400 V. For single phased machines, request quotation. Rollers speed: 7 RPM.